New Improv vs Traditional Improv

It is time to revitalize improv theater. I imagine the New Improv would have to engage the subconscious mind and disengage the conscious mind.

When I watch great performers I see that they seem to be powered by something other than their conscious thinking mind. It is like they have accessed this source of raw creative energy and then are simply basking in it. And I am beginning to think that the reason why watching these great performers is so compelling is because we in the audience get to partake of, even perhaps for just a moment, the delicious and juicy raw creative force.

I believe that the
subconscious mind is where the pure, raw energy resides and that the New Improv theater should focus on accessing and drawing out this energy into visible form. On the other hand Traditional Improv has focused far too much and far too long on the use of the conscious mind: quickly framing a scene using words, for instance. There is nothing wrong with the use of language in a scene but when the words come out of the conscious, thinking mind, they contain little power and the actor is not accessing his or her full potential.

In the New Improv I suggest we allow our thinking minds (the
conscious mind) to take a hike and allow our bodies to take over the scene, feeling the scene rather than thinking it. You can then feel your mind relax and you give your self a chance to connect with the pulse.

And when you are connected to your pulse and not trying to be clever or quick but just allowing your crazy subconscious self to inhabit your body, you are pure raw creative energy and you surprise your self. When that happens it is such a treat!

The New Improv theater is the theater of the

May the
pulse be with you,


Image: Brian Eno's brilliant creative 'block busters'.

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