The pulse

The pulse is what improv is all about. In India, where I grew up, we call it prana, or life-force energy. It pulses through the actor while improvising. It is experienced as a strong energy making the actor act and do as she does without thinking, without planning, without trying.

The pulse is also an exercise. We gather together in a circle holding hands. I send a pulse along by squeezing the hand of my neighbor on one side, who then sends it along with a squeeze of the hand and so on. The pulse moves along at a certain rhythm. The group tries to concentrate on keeping to the rhythm while being alert to the pulse. If someone misses it, the pulse dies, and you can feel the group energy drop off instantly.

With practice a group can handle two simultaneous pulses moving in opposite directions. After the first pulse is established I send a pulse in the opposite direction. The group tries to concentrate on keeping both rhythms going. It gets to be challenging and funny. Sometimes we end up on the floor, laughing in a circular heap, barely able to keep going.

May the pulse be with you!

Image: Andy Goldsworthy's Pebble Circle. 

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